66 – Manifesting Peltigera Park

Some folks are tired of parks named after dead white men. Kyla Tichkowsky? She’s railing against something different. We have parks named for: Elk. Wood Buffalo. Aspen Beach. Cypress Hills. Dinosaurs even! And yet, not one single lichen.
A stick covered in lichens.
Some of Edmonton’s scenic lichens in Larch Sanctuary
Why not? Lichen are, in fact, fantastically diverse and fascinating organisms. From a conservation standpoint, they are excellent bioindicators. So for conservation organizations, a lichen preserve would make a lot of sense.
Together with Kyla, we set out to understand more about lichens and their place in Edmonton’s conservation scene.
Eliot and Kyla head into the woods.
We met up with Kyla’s good friend, Diane Haughland, a lichenologist with the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute.
Diane with a lichen-y stick.
And we were guided into the Larch Sanctuary by Meghan Jacklin, a conservation coordinator with the Edmonton and Area Land Trust.
Meghan joins the crew by Whitemud Creek.
Further Reading:

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